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CyberKnights supply Open Source products wherever possible, and particularly Free (Libré) Software distributed under the GPL - the Libré part is important due to the choices and power it brings, and the overheads (auditing etc) that it takes away.
The list of available products is extensive, we’ve included a few favourite highlights here to give you some idea of what is available. If you seek a much more exhaustive list, try FreshMeat, and here is a local list of the 2539 packages included with Mandriva Linux™ 2007.0. See also the Mandrake 10.0 version. Note that you can click through to individual package pages & pull down everything including source code if required.
We have a special on at the moment, which is a BGP-capable, VPN-capable ultra-low-maintenance router-style server in a half-wide half-deep 2RU format for AUD$1500+GST.
We have a new product, a game-console-based Thin Client workstation installed for around AUD$900+GST with a 17” flat screen depending on your precise configuration requirements.
Programs which run quietly on humming boxes in dark airconditioned rooms, but are seldom dealt with directly by users. Skip to applications or games.
Apache (scripted with XSSI, PHP, Ruby, Python or PERL and secured with SSL/TLS) | Zope | Roxen | Tux (extreme performance)
BIND (chrooted in high-security situations, back-endable to SQL and LDAP) | MaraDNS
PostFix | SendMail (for the rare cases when PostFix is not enough) | Sympa (mailing lists)
PostgreSQL | MySQL | Interbase | SAP DB
Programs which users deal with directly to get work done. Skip to services or games.
Konqueror | Mozilla | SkipStone | Galeon | Amaya
EveryBuddy | Xchat | Gabber | KVirc | LICQ | GAIM | BitchX | too many others to list
Koffice | SIAG Office | StarOffice/ | Scribus | AbiWord | Gnumeric
The GIMP | Sketch | QCAD | Dia | GIRAM | Vertex | Kontour
Broadcast2000 | XMMS | xanim | Blender | notLame | Glame | Audacity | ProTux | TiMIDIty++ | Jahshaka | Xine | XMorph | Ogg Vorbis (includes streaming)
Specialised applications from a wide range of fields such as chemistry, accounting, electronics, whatever.
Clarrhmos (myiocardial electrophysiology) | CTSim (tomography) | EVBM (68HC11 microcontroller development and emulation) | Grany-3 (cellular automaton) | () | () | ()
Mostly just for fun, some brain-bender puzzles, some educational, some for-real simulators. Skip to services or applications.
xkobo | BZFlag | KJezz | Pingus | Chromium BSU | IceBreaker | Frozen Bubble | Maelstrom | GL-117 (flight sim) | XMAME (multiple arcade machine emulator) | Penguin Command | Super Methane Brothers | Marbles | TuxRacer | Squareoid | GTali
PySol | Atomic Entertainment | Sokoban | SameGnome | 7Colors | Abalone | Emilia (3D pinball)
FlightGear (piloting) | AirTraffic (AT controller) | OpenUniverse (solar system) | Celestia (space) | SailAway (solar sailers) | Search And Rescue | Snow Path
FreeCiv | Arianne | Deity RPG | Networked Role Playing (ie paper-and-dice roleplaying at a distance) | OpenRPG | many, many, many others
“Linux is being taught in schools. It’s getting easier to find skills. It’s something whose time is coming.” — David Larsen, director of IS in Murray City, Utah.
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