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Welcome to CyberKnights!

CyberKnights is a computer service company based in Western Australia.

We provide stable, reliable, flexible and secure systems and service targetted mainly at small to medium sized businesses, although we do cater to individuals and do invoke enough resources to deal seamlessly with quite large enterprises.

LXer Linux News
How to Block Email from certain TLDs (Top Level Domains) with ISPConfig
Docker improves container security and management
OpenProject: An open source project management solution
ARM’s slim new Cortex-A32 aims 32-bit ARMv8 at IoT apps
Git 2.7.2 Open-Source Distributed Version Control System Adds New Features
List installed packages in Redhat/Centos/Fedore
Chelsea Manning denied EFF articles because US Army cares about copyright
Upgrading tutorial, Gnocchi 2.0 release, and more OpenStack news
What's New in Ubuntu OTA 9.1 Update for Ubuntu Phones
45 Percent of IT Personnel Knowingly Circumvent Their Own Security Policies
Bite-size i.MX7 module sips power, ships with Linux
Is Linux Mint a crude hack of existing Debian-based distributions?
Manjaro 16.02 Cinnamon Screenshot Tour
Linux: How to share files on a local network with woof
Using Vagrant and Ansible to deploy virtual machines for web development
Tomorrow###s Veterinarian Using Linux Today
Monitor your local network with NagiosPi
Can you replace a computer with your mobile
Flipping the open source contribution model
Is Linux Too Dumbed Down?

Ask us about file servers, domain controllers, monitoring, security, specialist firewalling and other applications. We also recommend gentle & smooth but ongoing software update service & security monitoring, which due to the reliability of our systems we are able to offer at roughly half of the expense of competing firms (some others don’t even get to offer such services at all). In addition to remote monitoring of your backup systems, we can arrange regular exchange & testing of backup media, remote backups, reliable & cost-effective ISP services & still more facilities.

For extremely unit-cost-sensitive applications CyberKnights can set up fully featured thin clients (ethernet and up to 4 USB devices) based on discounted consoles or highly secure small-footprint high-capacity workstations.

We generally use the secure and reliable Linux operating system throughout.

Terminal Server-style capability is built right in to Linux (and has been for decades). Where a workstation requires general office functionality, we primarily advocate using the office suite and its other Free (GPLed) derivatives. We also have solutions (think “no viruses” and “No Spyware”) for situations in which MS-based software must still be run – we can run many MS packages under Linux at roughly twice the speed you would expect from 9X/NT/ME/Vista on the same hardware.

To cater to our market, which is booming despite the general slump in IT activity, we are currently exploring workable methods for becoming big while remaining small. If you are a competent technical and support person (not just a script-reader), can show that to us, and are willing to learn about Linux, we hope to be able to keep you busy for some considerable time. We also share knowledge and resources with other reliable local providers.

Here’s a special event page for the curious: a detailed listing of all 2539 packages in the Mandriva 2007.0 release, including contributions, with links to the original packages’ sites. This list is updated as significant extensions or improvements are made to the software.

We’re also big on doing business with locals as much as possible.   We also support & contribute to the  BurningWell  image library.

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Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States & other countries. Here in Australia, it is a common-law Trademark in the process of becoming Registered.

Linux reseller Bryce Coad had audiences eating out of his hand as he demonstrated the operating system running [. . .] Igor Portugal, technical head at Linux reseller Asterisk, which made its first appearance at the show in 1999, says Orix, Linfox Logistics, the Health and Disability Commission and Vita New Zealand are among its customers. Portugal collected a wad of business cards from visitors to his stand, many of which he expected to turn into sales. — ComputerWorld Expo 2002

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